Wednesday, June 2, 2010

something new

I've been remiss in blogging for, well, quite a while now. Turns out moving house (yet again!) with a two year-old while also trying to fulfill a part-time job, particularly one which involves committee meetings like mine does, while still struggling to maintain one's sanity is a bit of a challenge, and one that leaves little time for composing posts. But I have something to tell you! Something new and exciting.

As I blogged about before, there is some concern amongst a number of people in this city - consumers and midwives alike - about how the informed choice of birthing women is being respected, or not, as the case may be. It isn't about attacking practitioners, or going on the offensive: it's simply a matter of wanting to uphold informed choice, and support those who strive to uphold birthing women. Out of this, the Informed Choice Coalition has been born. We're a group of people, women and men, lay people, doulas, midwives, and even other organizations who feel strongly about the importance of informed choice, and want to create a support system to better enable birthing women and men to execute their choice, as well as to assist practitioners in honouring those choices.

It's extremely exciting, and I am so privileged to be a part of this community of concerned citizens, and to have the opportunity to be a part of this from the beginning. Watching it grow is - and will be - very rewarding. Already the ICC has generated interest in other cities and other provinces across Canada. We are not the only ones concerned about the state of choice in birth and during the birthing years.

We are part of something bigger than just we are. I can't wait to see where this leads us!

1 comment:

  1. Bravo. Here's a toast to informed choice in every aspect of every life.

    Again I say, Bravo.
